QPC Contact details
Phone, e-mail and post
Phone: 0491 087 456
Email: qpc email
QPC House Location: 18 Coolcrest Street, Wynnum
Postal Address: PO BOX 9471
Wynnum Plaza P.O.
QPC Office Bearers
President: Troy Sequiera
Imm. Past President: Dr Philip Levine
Vice President: John Crowsley
Secretary: Craig Chappell
Treasurer: Tom Cowgill
Club Liason: David Roberts
Public Relations Officer: Joan Orr
Other Office Bearers
Education: Joan Orr
Editor: John Crowsley
Auditor: Carthills tailored accounting
Committee Members: Philip Gooding
Equipment: Craig Chappell
Archival Officer: John Crowsley
Judges Co-ordinator: Joan Orr
Librarian: Jeff Gunston
Website: Jeff Gunston
Co-ordinators and Sub-Committees
Bazaar Days: Joan Orr and John Crowsley
Buildings: Craig Chappell and Joan Orr
Exhibitions: John Crowsley and Jeff Gunston
Products: Craig Chappell
Magazine: John Crowsley